Friday, December 11, 2015

100 Books!

Years ago, I had a dream. It wasn’t to travel or marry a millionaire or buy a fancy house. No. I dreamed to one day read 100 books in a year.

And this year, I did it!


And I’m still reading…

So far this year, I’ve read:

26 5-star books
19 works of fiction
12 books of poetry
9 books for kids (non-picture books)
Here's a graph depicting my reading for the past 11 years. Looks like I started getting serious around 2012. I wonder what I did with all my free time before that?

So here's the question. Do you keep track of how many books you read each year?


  1. Yay! Good for you! I'm glad you were able to meet your goal, that must feel pretty cool. :) I've kept track for the last two years. It's so much fun tracking stuff!
    Aidyl from Noveltea

    1. Agreed. I don't think I'll ever be a non-tracker. I guess I just find too much fun in it!

  2. Oh wow! Congratulations! That is such an accomplishment! I also have that goal for some future year, but I think the most books I've read in a single year so far is something like 68, so I still have a long way to go.

    1. I'm amazed at how much you get read with four young boys and all the other responsibilities of keeping a household running. I probably get as much read as I do because I don't clean house until it REALLY needs it. :)
