Friday, May 16, 2014

Bout of Books Read-a-thon check in

I'm terrible at keeping updates during the read-a-thon. I'm too busy reading to want to blog! My three days off were wonderful. I finished up one book, read a second, and got halfway into a third. Here are my stats:

So, overall, I read finished two books this week (The Signature of All Things and Glitter and Glue) and got to within 100 pages of the end of another (Moneyball). That's a total of 625 pages. I normally read 250-300 pages per week, or the equivalent of one book. I was disappointed that 75 pages of that was a book I didn't end up wanting to finish. It seems like a waste. But then I calm down and remind myself that I'm reading for enjoyment, not for numbers.

Sunday, May 18
By the time we sat down to supper, I was exhausted, and it was nearly bedtime. Only got in another 10 pages before I had to hit the hay.

On a side note, though, my brother called, and he asked if I'd read anything good yet this year. So we traded titles back and forth, and he--again--strongly recommended Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible. He loves all things Africa, and I've enjoyed Kingsolver's nonfiction in the past, so if you see me reading The Poisonwood Bible, it's because of my brother Reggie. (I swore I'd never forgive her for Pigs in Heaven, though, so we'll see.)

Saturday, May 17
I typically don't read a page from after work on Friday until Sunday evening. But today I accompanied my husband to guitar stores, and I got a few pages of Moneyball in here and there, probably 30 total.

Friday, May 16
I never get much read on Fridays. I think I only read another 25-30 pages of Moneyball.

Thursday, May 15
My last day off to read. Read another 100 pages of Moneyball. There was a chapter on baseball statistics and statisticians that just about did me in. (I think I fell asleep as a defense mechanism.) But things picked up after that.

While I was off, I also, acting on a whim, removed from my bookshelves all my unread books and all the books I've read but didn't become favorites. I mixed them up (I generally shelve by genre: memoirs, celebrity, fiction, general nonfiction, women's studies) and made stacks and went through them. I quickly culled at least 100 books this way. Something about removing them from the shelves I'm used to seeing them on broke the mesmerism of keeping them. It has never been so easy for me to say, "I'm no longer interested in reading this book" or "I didn't even enjoy this book enough to keep it."

I cleared off two-and-a-half long shelves. Lots of room for new possibilities. Not bad for a whim!

Wednesday, May 14
Finished Glitter and Glue. It was a quick read, and while I enjoyed it, I found it quite average.

Spent a lot of time trying to decide on my next book. If I'm going to be reading all day, I want it to be a really good book. Was feeling a little burned by the Patchett book--and memoirs in general--and I still longed for the Gilbert book. So I chose something completely different. Got about 20 pages into Moneyball.

Tuesday, May 13
Read most of the day. Finished the last 70 pages of The Signature of All Things, which was out of this world. I don't normally read fiction, but I was intrigued by a blogger review, and I flew through this 500-page chunkster.

Then I started This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage by Ann Patchett. Unfortunately, I read 75 pages before realizing the book just wasn't for me. I started Glitter and Glue by Kelly Corrigan before bed, and got 35 pages in.

Monday, May 12
I worked, so only read my usual 50 pages of The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert. Well, probably more like 65 pages, considering I got to stay up late!

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