Monday, November 3, 2014

October 2014 Recap

Well, Wisconsin has descended from a beautiful autumn to pre-winter. The leaves are off the trees. There are extra blankets on the bed. And temperatures will be dipping to 28 degrees tonight. Nothing sounds better than snuggling under a blanket on the couch and reading a nice long book.
October was a self-imposed "clear up the TBR" month, and I did okay. I read one new release (Killing Patton) and one book kind of found my way home from work (In Other Words--poems my one of my former poetry professors), but the rest had been languishing on the TBR for months. Too bad there are dozens more still on the list!
In October, I read seven books:





Going into November, I'm reading:
My goodness do I love this book. The paradox about finding a book you LOVE is that you want it to last forever but you read it quickly because you enjoy it so much. Some Luck is that book.
Other possible November reads:

 What was your favorite October read?

What are you looking forward to reading in November?



  1. I'm on the hold list at the library for two of these--Stiches and the JBKO book. The FDR book looks really interesting, too. I've had President & Assassin and The President Is A Sick Man on my kindle for quite awhile but haven't gotten to them yet.

    1. The FDR book would probably have been a more successful book had it been shorter. I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed his The Hidden White House.

      Bring on Nonfiction November, I say! With all these exciting president and history books, I'm set for a great month of reading.
