Bruce Taylor
Category: Poetry
Synopsis: Poetry
by Eau Claire, Wisconsin’s poet laureate.
Date finished: 26
October 2014
Rating: **
I really shouldn’t write this review because it’s not going
to be terribly complete or balanced, but I promised myself I’d review
everything I read this year, so here goes. I have to say, this book of poetry
represents everything that’s bad about poetry, every reason why people hate it.
The poems in this collection are hopelessly pedantic, full of obscure references
that the average reader would never understand.
It’s not poorly written poetry, though. It’s tight and
polished and well-metered. Taylor has a strong command of what he wants to say,
and he says it and no more. And there were some truly charming passages, such
as this from “Without You”:
If you think
I’ll get alongwithout you
well enough
you don’t know me
well enough.
What a sweet bit of verse, eh?
But the rest? I felt like I might as well have been reading
German street signs in the heart of Paris. I didn’t get much out of it.
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I have truly enjoyed much of Taylor’s other work.
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