Thursday, February 5, 2015

I Love You, Ronnie, Nancy Reagan

I Love You, Ronnie: The Letters of Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan

Nancy Reagan

Category: Marriage & Romance; Presidents

Synopsis: Nancy Reagan shares some of the letters President Reagan gave to her over the years of their marriage.

Date finished: 18 December 2014

Rating: ****

This is a sweet book. Sweeter, even, if you adore Ronald Reagan like I do. He reminds me so much of my grandpa that I’ve always had a soft spot for him. Plus, he accomplished some amazing things during his presidency. His diplomacy and knack for interacting with people is something you can’t teach a president. Some have it, some don’t.

This book is a slim, quick read. Nancy Reagan tells the story of their marriage, and interspersed she includes letters, notes, cards, and cute little doodles the president sent her over the years. He was a very articulate man (much more so than Nancy), and his letters are sweet, poignant, playful, and funny. The correspondence takes you through their courtship days, early marriage, his years as the governor of California, their White House years, and beyond. Mrs. Reagan wrote the book in 2000, four years before the president’s death, when we was in the grip of Alzheimer’s disease. Such a tragic end to such an active mind.

(That last bit makes it sound like a downer of a book, but that’s not the case at all. It’s a charming book about a sweet love story.)

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