And I still don't finish as many books as folks who don't take days off.
But no matter. I have a blast doing my favorite thing, and that's why I do it.
My goals are always modest and changeable. This time I hope to finish two books (three or more would be great), and I hope to keep my updates, you know, up-to-date. That's were I always fail. I'm too busy reading to get online.
The books I plan to read are:
I think I'll have a few pages left of Behind the Curtain, so I'll finish that Monday morning. Then I'll be onto Margarita Wednesdays, which I've been saving for this occasion.
If I finish Margarita Wednesdays, I'll move onto Bright Wings, which is a collection of poems about birds edited by the wonderful Billy Collins. I love poetry! I love birds! I love Billy Collins! Can life be any more perfect? (The illustrations are gorgeous, too.)
And I hope to get a ways into Hungry Planet. I read this book a few years ago, and I've wanted to read it again ever since. It shows families from around the world with the food they consume in a week. It's an eye-opening journey.
Here's the official blurb and a link to the site if you need more information.
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
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