Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday (Fall TBR)

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This week's topic: Top Ten[-ish] Books on My Fall TBR List

I have trouble with these seasonal TBR lists. And when I look back, I never seem to have read much off the list. I guess the books I generally want to read are the ones I've just bought, or am about to buy, or haven't been released yet. So my plan for October is to clean up some TBR titles that have been there a long time. We'll see how that goes. But there are some exciting books coming out this fall, so I'm sure they'll push others to the bottom of the list. You know how it is.

My list:

Bill O’Reilly, Martin Dugard
Killing Patton

Erik Larson
The Devil in the White City

Amity Shlaes

Robert Klara
FDR’s Funeral Train 
Mary Roach

Benedict Carey
How We Learn

And some that haven't been released yet:

James Steen
The Kitchen Magpie

A.N. Wilson


Sarah Richardson
Sarah Style

Ricahrd Zoglin

George W. Bush


  1. Devil in the White City is a great read--almost more like a novel than nonfiction.

  2. I stumbled upon a copy of "Thunderstruck" at a thrift store this weekend, then found out he has a new one coming out in March about the Lusitania, so I feel like I should move this one up my list. I think I'd like his books--I just need to get going!

  3. Best of luck knocking out some of your older TBRs. Hope you have a great fall!
    Here’s My TTT

    1. Thanks, Jay. Luckily many of those books are short, so maybe I'll motor through a bunch of them!
